Friday, October 24, 2014

5 Ways You Can Get Rich (Without Any Skill At All)


So, you work till your head bursts every day, at a job you hate. Busting your ass at something, so you can be successful like the Old Man wanted. You get sick and tired of your trying to earn money with your job and think, there has to be a faster way of doing this.
That’s why, I guess, you landed up in jail. But, no, being a criminal is not the only way of earning money quick. These are 5 completely legal ways of getting rich without any skill, without going to any office, and with minimal effort.

5. Being a Sperm Donor at $35,000- $50,000 a year

This is the job everyone’s been training for since middle school. $100 a shot, just a couple happy minutes of your time.

Oh, yeah, the job interview is a breeze. They’ll do some health screenings (just to make sure you can handle the hardcore porn you’re about to see) and some background checks on your family (to make sure you’re not another Charlie Sheen).

“Hm, what if I said that I’ll do it for free?”
So, yes, just have some fun for a few minutes, and make an appointment for a few days later. You can donate once every three days at one sperm bank, so why limit your blessings to one? You can hit multiple banks a day (if you’re good enough), multiplying your income with each one. So, if you go to one bank a day, for $100 dollars a pop, you get $3,000 a month, or about $36,000. If you’re boys can handle more, go for it!

And ladies, you’re not left out of this! Donating eggs can fetch more than $5,000 a cycle!
Good luck!

4. Street Entertaining at $30,000 a year

I’m sure all of us have seen that poor, homeless-looking guy, singing a sad song about how his wife left him. You probably felt terrible, and gave him a quarter, thinking, he could use it. But, think again. This guy probably earns more than $25,000 a year.

Here’s how it works. These guys, called “buskers” sit on a street and try to entertain passer-bys. They earn at least $15 an hour. That’s more than $30,000 a year! 

No, the statue in the background doesn’t have anything to do with why he chose this spot!
There even is a book about it, written by expert busker, Johnnie Mac, who said, “making a fortune...triple I was earning in the job I left behind...” He talks about important things, like the best spots to entertain, and where to put your cup.

And this could seriously make you famous. The Blue Man Group, Jimmy Buffet, Pierce Brosnan, George Burns, Bob Hope, Jewel, Jimmy Page, Penn and Teller, Rod Stewart, Simon and Garfunkel, Bob Dylan and Robin Williams ALL BEGAN AS BUSKERS!

3. Being a Medical Guinea Pig at $60,000 a year

Experiments in science are basically trial and error. In this profession, you can be one of these!
But seriously, you could get paid more than $100 an hour for the most dangerous experiments. And, if you want a safer path, you can get $15 an hour to be a patient for medical students to learn from!

There are pretty bad risks though. A few years ago, 11 people were diagnosed with tuberculosis, after participating in an experiment in which they wanted to know what would happen if you stuck 11 health people in a room with a guy that has tuberculosis. Damn!
There was some major swelling too. But, it was their wallets.

Totally worth it!
2. Dumpster Raiding (income varies, depending on how creative you are)

No, I don’t mean dragging out soggy, left-over food from garbage cans. Dumpster Diving is a recognized profession, with forums, and books on this trade.
The key to this profession lies in the fact that people throw away too much. Entire working computers (after the original owner upgraded to a newer version), chairs, sofas, and much more! All of this is just sitting in a dump, waiting to be found be you!

The best example is selling thrown away cans. Soda cans sell out 25 cents a pound. It takes like 20 cans for that. And, it is NOT like they’re difficult to find (USA alone throws away more than 4 billion pounds a year). Different metals get much better prices at scrap yards, and recycle centers.

1. Begging at $100,000 a year

Yep, beggars earn way more than you can imagine.

Sure, it isn’t the kind of job you’ll brag about at your class reunion, but it can seriously make you rich. Rich as in, 300 freaking dollars a day.

That’s less than the average beggar was earning outside Wal-Mart in Coos Bay, Oregon were making. These guys were earning more in a day, then the workers in Wal-Mart were earning in a week!

Begging isn’t that difficult, once you know what to do. There are many books on the subject with tips like:

1. Have a cup or a hat to put the money in; or

2. Make a sign.

Yes, begging is probably the most successful profession in history.

(You may now applaud)


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