Saturday, October 25, 2014

12 Memes and What They Look Like Now in Real Life

Everyone has seen these memes. They are part of our culture. But, often, we fail to realize that these memes are people too, that go to work or school, hang out with friends, eat lunch, and have hopes, dreams, desires, and fears. Here are 12 Memes and What They Look Like Now in Real Life.

1. Sheltering Suburban Mom

2. College Freshman

3. Ermahgerd Girl 

4. Overly Attached Girlfriend

5. Scumbag Steve

6. Hipster Barista

7. Good Guy Greg

8. Success Kid

9. Successful Black Man

10. Bad Luck Brian

11. Sudden Clarity Clarence

12. Really High Guy

13. Sheltered College Freshman

(You may now applaud.)

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