Friday, October 24, 2014

5 Unbelievable Side Effects of Everday Food


Food. We all have it. We all need it. We all love it. From the toddler, (cramming things into our mouths, without a care as to what, or whom, they might be) to the adult, (so careful in choosing our food, that everyday is a battle between health and stomach), food has always been there. But, little do we know, food's only objective isn't continuously filling that never-sated bag of acid that is every health enthusiast's downfall. These are 5 Unbelievable Side Effects of Everyday Food. 

5. Drinking Hot Liquids Cools You Down 

Phew! It's the middle of the summer, maybe I should heat up my afternoon coke! Have you ever heard anyone say that? No! So, how can drinking hot liquids cool you down? Isn't the only thing someone dreams of in the summer heat is an ice-cold, refreshing drink to cool you down?

Well, actually, drinking a feezing cold coke, or a chilled lemonade doesn't do squat for cooling your body.

Who are they kidding?

According to a study done recently, let's say you drink a glass of cold water with ice. Your brain is like, "Holy shit, this is freezing. I need to crank up the heat!" So, some hormones our produced, pituitary gland, hyporegulation, blah, blah, blah and your body begins to heat up. But, let's say you drank something hot, the exact opposite would happen, with your brain turning on your body's natural AC- sweat.

In fact, if you think about it, all the "hot" countries, like India, China, and Iran, are known for their steaming hot cups of tea, even in the mind-blowingly scorching summer afternoons. It may sound crazy, to the point of actual disgust (hot drinks in the summer?) but a billion Indians have been doing it everyday for the past couple thousand years.

 4. A Glimpse of Meat Calms You Down (Especially If You're A Guy) 

I know this sounds wrong. If you see a wrestler beating the crap out of someone, are you like, "Yep! That guy is definitely a vegetarian!" In the history of human beliefs, what is associated with hunting and manliness? Meat! Doesn't vegetarianism equal peaceful and happy?

But, when scientists actually started experimenting with this, the results were quite shocking. When a dog sees a piece of meat, it goes into full on monster-kill mode to get it. However, men calm down when they see it.

Lettuce and tomatoes, people. That's what he eats.
What researchers did was, they took two groups of guys and put them in two separate rooms. They had to watch an actor read out some of his lines. Every time the actor made a mistake, they had to "harm" him, with a noise-maker (the actor would fake getting hurt). The guys could choose how loud they wanted the noise to be, and so, decide how much the actor is "hurt". At the same time, one group was shown random images, while the other was shown pictures of meat.

And guess what? The men who saw image after image of a non-vegetarian's Heaven, were laid back in punishing the poor actor, while the others were aggressive.


Actually, it makes a lot of sense once you get it. Meat is what a guy gets after a hunt is over. So, when a guy detects meat in his field of vision, his adrenaline is like, "Oookay. We're done here." Now, the happy man, can relax and enjoy his meal.

3. Trans-Fatty Acids (the Stuff in Cookies, Cakes, Doughnuts, and Every Fastfood You Can Think of) Makes You an Agressive Brat 

You might already know that margarine isn't that good for you. But what you might not know is that it also turns you into the biggest jerk in the world. A big aggressive jackass. 

 For that matter, any food that has trans-fatty acids will do the trick. (For future reference, here's a short list: Cookies, Crackers, Cakes, Muffins, Pie crusts, Pizza dough, Margarine, Vegetable shortening, Cake mixes, Pancake mixes, Chocolate drink mixes, Donuts, French fries, Potato chips, Candy, Packaged popcorn, and Frozen dinners. Good luck avoiding this God-Food!

You're mouth is watering. Don't deny it.
So, the next time your friend is behaving like a brat, take away his chips, and give him some celery!

2. Changing the Color of Chips Controls How Much You Eat

Controlling how much you eat must seem especially difficult with chips. Everyone knows that terrible feeling when your hand hits the bottom of the bag of chips. Practically, the entire chip industry is based on mindlessly shoving fistfulls of chips into our mouths until there's suddenly nothing left.

But, let's say we introduced some colored chips into the picture. Would this change anything? Let's see.

A group of scientists deciced to test this by taking two groups of people (yes, this two-group thing is pretty common), and offered them a a bunch of free bags of chips. As expected, everyone went ballistic trying to participate. However, what the scientists did was, in one group's supply of chips, they inserted a red potato chip at regular intervals. As it turns out, this group not only ate less, but were also more accurately able to guess how much they had eaten. The red chips had served as markers, so the brain can keep track of the chips being shoved into its owner's mouth.

1. Alcohol Actually Improves Your Learning and Memory 

I know what you're thinking- "Yeah, because when people want to remember things, they start with a can of beer." Well, you're right there. Alcohol is terrible for memory. However, I didn't say anything about subconscious memory.

Usually, when someone says the word "memory", it means conscious memory- where you parked your car, or what your birthday is.

What alcohol does is it forces the brain to release dopamine (our "hell yeah!" hormone). Dopamine does make you happy. But, it also improves learning and memory, but at a subconscious level.

Your subconsious memory is always very active. It's exploring the world around you and creating habits that you repeat constantly.

So, yes, drinking does improve your memory and learning, but not in its usual sense. So, no, cramming for a test does not mean chugging beer.

(You may now applaud)


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