Saturday, October 25, 2014

4 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Coca Cola's Beginnings

Coca Cola is one of the most successful brands in history. Coke has been associated with everything, from baseball, to Santa Claus. Coke has evolved from being just a soft drink, to a fashion statement. It's net worth is more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Red Bull, and Starbucks combined! But, was Coca Cola always like it is today? Bottled and sold all over the world? Let's see. These are "4 Amazing Things About Coca Cola's Beginnings ". 

 4. Coca Cola Lost $20 in its First Year

Coca Cola was started by a pharmacist named John Pemberton, in 1886. He put together a syrup in a brass kettle in his backyard.

He slowly began distributing it to local pharmacies. He only sold 9 drinks a day, at 5 cents a pop.

He lost $20 over the course of his first year. Here is his 1886 earnings report: 

3. Coca-Cola was John Pemberton's 18th Business

John Pemberton was what you could call a "serial entrepreneur". Before Coca Cola, he had started 17 businesses, all of which failed. Oh, by the way, did you know that Pemberton was a morphine addict?  

2. Coca Cola Didn't Even Start Out As A Soft Drink 

John Pemberton started Coca-Cola by brewing a syrup in a brass kettle. He called it a "valuable brain tonic". What is really shocking is that Coke originally had extracts from cocaine and caffeine-rich kola nut (giving it the name Coca-Cola).

The Kola nut

The alkaline of the Cola leaf is used to synthesize cocaine

1. Coca-Cola's Logo was the same as it is now

Coca-Cola has barely even changed their logo since the time it was started in 1886. The first brand logo was sketched out by Pemberton's assistant, and remains more or less the same today:

The original logo
The logo, today

This is very different from, for example, its main competitor Pepsi Co.'s logo, which has changed rapidly throughout history.

(To see more company's logos evolving, check out 18 Famous Logos Evolving Over Time.)

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12 Memes and What They Look Like Now in Real Life

Everyone has seen these memes. They are part of our culture. But, often, we fail to realize that these memes are people too, that go to work or school, hang out with friends, eat lunch, and have hopes, dreams, desires, and fears. Here are 12 Memes and What They Look Like Now in Real Life.

1. Sheltering Suburban Mom

2. College Freshman

3. Ermahgerd Girl 

4. Overly Attached Girlfriend

5. Scumbag Steve

6. Hipster Barista

7. Good Guy Greg

8. Success Kid

9. Successful Black Man

10. Bad Luck Brian

11. Sudden Clarity Clarence

12. Really High Guy

13. Sheltered College Freshman

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Friday, October 24, 2014

The Top 10 Greatest Actors of All Time


Acting is an art. An art I cannot boast of possessing. An art, nonetheless. Acting has evolved greatly over the years: starting in the Shakespearean era as plays, and now becoming an essential part of our culture. There has always been lots of debate over the "best" actors, but I've put together a list of 10 actors that have never failed to impress me.

10. Johnny Depp 

Johnny Depp

 Notable Films:

Johnny Depp, a public heartthrob, has done countless roles over the years. My favorite is the swashing, witty, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. He is known for playing playing "unusual characters". He also never watches his own movies.

9. Ben Kingsley

Ben Kingsley
 Notable Films:

Ben Kingsley (an Indian, born Krishna Bhanji) has demostrated brilliance in Gandhi. He was widely recognized as one of the finest British actors. His latest performance, the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 was excellent- when of the sole gems in an average movie.

8. Daniel Day-Lewis

Daniel Day-Lewis
 Notable Films:

Daniel Day-Lewis has always performed excellent roles, well-known for his great preparation for each. Daniel Day-Lewis's memorable performance in Lincoln gave him his third Oscar for Best Actor. He is the only actor in history to win three Best Actor Academy Awards.

7. Michael Caine

Michael Caine
 Notable Films:

 Michael Caine, who usually plays mentors or father-figures to main characters, plays unforgettable roles. One of his famous lines is: "The difference between a movie star and a movie actor is this--a movie star will say, 'How can I change the script to suit me?" and a movie actor will say. "How can I change me to suit the script?' "

6. Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey
 Notable Films:

Kevin Spacey is enigmatic, and known for his versatility- his brilliant ease of slipping into each of his roles comfortably. He does hilarious celebrity impersonations too!

5. Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman
 Notable Films:

Morgan Freeman is truly a classic actor. He's known for his deep, soothing voice that often narrates his films. To quote him, "Is there a movie I think I should have won the Oscar for? Yeah. All of them."

4. Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson
 Notable Films:

Jack Nicholson slow drawl voice, has played numerous classic roles. He often plays a character with mental instability. His most memorable role is in The Shining: "Here's Johnny!" 

3. Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro
 Notable Films:

Widely considered one of the greatest actors of all time, Robert De Niro has been in a number of classics, and delivered brilliant performances. He's known for the intense physical and mental preparations for each role, as well as heavily studying the characters' background.

2. Al Pacino  

Al Pacino
Notable Films:

Al Pacino scores a close second for the greatest actor of all time. His stunning performances of all become classics. From the crime boss, Don Michael Corleone, to a portrayal of Al Capone in Scarface, Al Pacino's performances are legendary.

1. Marlon Brando

Notable Films:

Marlon Brando is widely recognized as the greatest actor to ever walk this Earth. His stunning roles have captivated audiences for decades, even long after he's gone. His most notable performance was the iconic mobster, Don Vito Corleone in the Godfather.

Here is a taste of Brando's acting: 

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